
For the longest time as I have ventured deeper into and grown the various number of self-hosted services, I struggled with on principle task the most: version control. How could I track various configuration files or scripts that I knew worked? How could I track this website as it grows?

Previous me would have just had layers of versions of files: configv1, configv1.1, configv2, etc. Technically this could work, but there is definitely a better way. A few years ago I stumbled upon Git. Remember that I am not a software developer by any stretch of the imagination and my coding/computer skills have mostly been self taught. I am sure just about every college grad doing any sort of coding would immediately know what it was and how to use it. Me on the other hand… not so much. I really struggled to learn the various commands and how it could be of use early on.

I mostly stuck to the default command line git early on. Those repositories were mostly on my local on my machine. They were additional files I had to purposely go out of my way to backup. What I wanted was a good way to maintain these with some sort of GUI that would centrally manage them allowing for access from any machine on my network. I could leverage Github, but I tend to want to self host as much as possible.

My Setup

One day I will outline my home networking setup, but the core server I run at home is Unraid. There are a variety of reasons why I have settled on Unraid for my home use, but I will save those for another day. One feature I use for most of my services is Docker. This allows me to store the data on the array in a central location and easily manage new applications and services in a central location. I have used Gitlab before as part of my day job. Once I discovered Gitlab has a Community Edition that you can self host, I gave it a shot. Unfortunately, I ran into multiple issues that I was unable to debug in trying to field the Docker image on my Unraid server.

After a few months of tinkering and eventually giving up on Gitlab, I ran across a new package called Gitea. Thanks to the folks over at the Self Hosted Podcast for this shoutout. Check this episode out at

Gitea installed VERY easily and was much smaller than the Gitlab images. I am currently on wireless internet, so any bandwidth savings is a massive blessing. One gotcha running Gitea in a Docker container is making sure that the internal URL is set correctly. From the installation instructions:

Notice: if using a non-3000 port on http, change app.ini to match LOCAL_ROOT_URL = http://localhost:3000/.

This was the only gotcha I ran into. I chose a MYSQL database in the initial setup GUI that you can access once you first start the Docker container. I already have a MYSQL container running for a number of other services, so this was an easy choice. I have had a lot of issues with services that run internal MYSQLITE databases, so I tend to migrate to other options when available.

Gitea makes it really easy (just as easy as Gitlab) to create repositories and get to work. For those newbies to git, I highly recommend taking this route to help learn the command line. Setup a repository in Gitea, initialize a remote repository on your computer, and point the local remote repository to your new Gitea master repo. Now you can change your files around, commit changes, and track them with a GUI front end to help you see what is actually going on.

Now that I have Gitea up and running, I find myself pushing all sorts of different coding projects, configuration files, and more to it just as a nice central place that I can work from. I highly recommend you check it out!
